Jianmo Ni

Ph.D. in Computer Science Department
University of California San Diego
Email: jin018 [AT] ucsd.edu

About Me

Welcome to my personal website!
I am a NLP researcher/engineer at Google. I graduated from the PhD program at University of California San Diego, advised by Prof. Julian McAuley.
I received my B.E. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, M.E. from the Joint Waseda University-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Master Program.
My research interests include Natural Language Processing and Recommender System.


[2022/04] We open sourced T5X Retrieval, which is a JAX-based framework to build neural retrieval models.

[2020/08] I became a Noogler.

[2020/05] I successfully defended my thesis!

[2020/03] We provide colabs to help you parse metadata, find products and align product reviews. [colab notebook1] [colab notebook2]

[2019/09] We have released a new version of the Amazon review dataset [link] which includes more and newer reviews (i.e. reviews in the range of 2014~2018)! Welcome to do interesting research on this up-to-date large-scale dataset!

[2019/03] We have released the Endomondo workout dataset [link] that contains user sport records. The dataset includes multiple sources of sequential sensor data such as heart rate, speed, GPS as well as sport type, user gender and weather condition (i.e. temperature, humidity). Welcome to conduct personalization, fitness-aware, on-edge machine learning research on this dataset!


Work Experience

Teaching Experience
